Email Inbox Clean Up

Are you tired of spending valuable time sifting through countless emails, struggling to stay organised and efficient?

Our Email Inbox Clean Up service is designed to alleviate the burden, leaving you with a streamlined and stress-free inbox.

What does the Email Inbox Clean Up involve?

  • Free 15-minute Consultation

    Before you purchase our Inbox Clean Up service, we will have a chat to find out the status of your inbox and what your challenges are. We’ll then discuss your options and how we can help declutter your inbox.

  • 2.5 Hours of Expert Inbox Clean Up

    Our dedicated team of virtual assistants will roll up their sleeves and clean up your inbox, removing unnecessary clutter, and archiving emails into organised folders.

  • 15-minute Follow-up Meeting

    Once the initial clean-up is complete, we'll schedule a brief meeting to walk you through the changes made and offer additional guidance to maintain an organised inbox, such as setting up rules and labels for incoming emails.

For only £75 + VAT, you can experience the benefits of an organised inbox that sets the tone for a successful year ahead. Imagine starting each day with a clear and focused mind, ready to tackle important tasks instead of getting lost in email chaos.

Don't let your inbox hold you back from achieving your goals!

Take control of your digital workspace and enjoy the following benefits:

1. Increased productivity:

Spend less time managing emails and more time on important projects.

2. Enhanced organisation:

Find emails quickly and efficiently with a logical folder structure.

3. Reduced stress:

Experience the peace of mind that comes with a clear and organised inbox.

4. Improved communication:

Never miss an important email or let it get buried among the clutter.

5. Streamlined workflow:

Optimise your email process to work smarter, not harder.

A clutter-free inbox is just a click away. Let us help you reclaim your productivity!

Want to know if you are a good fit for this service?

Fill in the form to provide us with your details and we will get in touch with you to discuss your options.